Business owners have to wear many different hats to run their business properly. It can be very difficult to get everything done and still have time to balance the books and keep track of all the expenses. It takes precise focus because with company finances, you cannot afford to make mistakes. ADC Accounting understands that when it comes to your business, you need to know the exact state of your current financial situation. With an experienced staff that is dedicated to the efficient and exact management of your business’s finances, you can rest easy knowing that the accounting aspects of your business are being taken care of by trained professionals.
It’s boring, mundane, and a chore that most people want no part of. However, for a business owner, proper accounting can mean the difference between Fortune 500 and the unemployment line. The attention required to precisely maintain accounts and keep a current financial statement is overwhelming for most business owners. Not as much that it can’t be done, but that the time needed takes away from the day-to-day operations and focus that owners would rather apply to operating their company. A simple accounting mistake can easily snowball into a major financial disaster. Let ADC Accounting help you and your company avoid those mistakes. In addition to avoiding costly accounting miscues, we can also assist you in streamlining aspects of the company and possibly saving money to improve the bottom line.
Accounting services at ADC Accounting include

Monthly bank

General business
advice and support

Preparation of state and
federal tax returns

Internal control

Developing accounting
policies and procedures.

General ledger & financial
statement preparation

Document storage on our servers accessible to you
from anywhere, anytime.
Restaurant Accounting
Bookkeeping Services While ADC Accounting provides accounting services at the highest level for multiple industries, restaurant accounting is our bread and butter. Restaurant accounting is unlike any other business accounting and requires a special knowledge of the industry. While some businesses have a standardized accounting process, restaurants are more fluid and ever changing and this is where ADC Accounting out rivals the competition. We can offer a hands on and personal level of service because to us you are more than just a number. We’ve experienced the heartaches and struggles that this industry can bring and we are here to show you there is a light at the end of the tunnel.